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I want to be able to have space from an individual that I am afraid of known as TS


I want to be made sure that there is no connection that will invade my life at any capacity and I want to figure this out through any method whether this will be infringed upon


I will repeat the information and notify people I don't want a combined life with this individual 


I will use legal and other methods to secure my peace from this individual 


I won't be forced to like, see, talk to or have to mention this individual except when I am arguing with my "companion" undefined between friends and lovers as to whether it's her or me because this isn't both


[I ] will give him information he needs to make his decision along with the allowance of a meet to which if he goes to there is no back door as in he can't come back to myself


I require financial freedom and freedom from harm, harassment, and financial manipulation and or otherwise to change or separate us in an obtrusive way other than his choice of her instead of myself 


I require freedom harm for my support system including emotional, verbal, financial and otherwise


I require to be financially stable that if he leaves me and chooses the other option I don't be stressed


I require no waiting and no limbo so we are living our lifes normally without this person we aren't expected to feel sad or hurt or upset that he isn't next to this person he isn't to be induced to feel these feelings or reminded to feel these feelings


I require no communication through the broken telephone about this topic which this will heavily effect my life and the lives of others and has been proven


I require a full psychological assessment of his decision making before hand so that when asked if he would go with her he doesn't just say sure while that is something else with his inability to consider all things including what this would be like to never see me again


I require this person to use their sensibleness when making the decision to separate him from me


If hot bitches that have a lot of money is what he likes that he shouldn't be separate from that either you shouldn't be the only foundation to this thirst and you have no authority to prevent that as a replacement to his desires


If he wants medication because you want him to have medication turn around now because this is a no he said no to them now so that's a no 


"I want this person to leave indefinitely" N



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